It's Time For Change

More than just the products we create, Island Vibes is about community and creating a relatable authentic brand that is in favour of inclusivity and diversity. We create a range of lifestyle products for REAL people to feel like they are on vacation, all year round. 

Inspired by our Founders LOVE of a tropical island holiday, her annual trips to the Cook Islands and a passion to bring that holiday feeling to everyone. Our minds wander and our hearts are full when we are on a tropical holiday. The feeling of the warm sun on our skin, breathes life back into us when we step away from the busy day to day world we live in.

Our founder felt the only down time she ever got was when on a holiday, and further to that, it was when she felt her best cause she would ensure she got her hair done, tan on, and did her beauty regime in the lead up to her time away. So she wanted to create that relaxed holiday feeling, every day so we can all escape the stresses of our daily lives and feel good living the Vacay vibes, 365. 


What does it mean to be Diverse and Inclusive? 

As our founder started her journey to create the perfect tanning and summer lifestyle brand, she began doing extensive research and case studies on both Australian and Global beauty brands and noticed one trend. All brands were being represented by the usual youthful stereotypical model. Many models across various brands all looked very similar. The lack of diversity, in particular amongst tanning brands, was eye opening and became very apparent.

As she mentioned this to clients and friends, she would ask who they would want to see on tanning websites, in campaigns and on social media and the answer was the same every time. Her research showed people wanted to see people like them, everyday people that they could relate too. They all knew a tan would look on a 20 something year old with perfect skin and complexion, but what would it look like on someone mature or someone in their 40s, 50s or even 80s, with bumps and lumps, bodies after babies and low hanging breasts? How well did it go on aged spots and wrinkles, what did it look like on a man with hairy legs or a hairy chest? This showed the public were interested in seeing advertising with a mix of people.

As Amy’s Clientele is extremely diverse so should the models be for her brand. This would mean still using youthful models, but also mixing in mature models, various sizes, shapes, men, women, people of different cultural backgrounds and varying skin tones, and people living with disabilities so you can truly see how the products work on different people with varying skin types and lifestyles. Clients had previously told Amy they hadn't had a tan before as they thought tanning was just for “young” people, a common misconception.  

It is definitely time for change and Island Vibes is here to embrace it.


Amy Maree Campbell

Founder, Creator, Passion Chaser and Mother

Amy, a nationally recognized Sunless Tanning artist, started her career back in 2005 after her late Nanna Jean had shared a life as the ultimate beauty Queen and taught her back in the late 1980s all about beauty, including tips on sunless tanning, as her Nan would apply tan from a bottle rather than sunbaking. 

As Amy's love for all things beauty expanded in her teens, her love of Makeup had her study to become a qualified Makeup artist at the Napoleon Perdis Makeup Acadamy in Sydney and then furthered her studies internationally and trained with one of Beverly Hills top Celebrity Makeup artists in the USA, at the Kimberley Bosso Makeup school. Specialising in bridal and special occasion makeup, Amy soon after, trained in spray tanning as she believed the two go hand in hand. 

Amy had a passion for tanning and was a regular tanner from her teens, as her Mum and Dad, who were both Bondi Beach born and bred, are prone to skin cancers. Amy's Mum had her first major surgery in her early 20s to remove a BBC and required skin grafts, and her younger brother has had a huge plastic surgery on his scalp removing a BCC also. If that wasn't enough, her Mum and Uncle also had both been diagnosed with Melanoma, so the family is very cautious in the sun, and faux tanning became a no brainer! 

In 2014, Amy was chosen as the official Tan Artist for Nine Network Sydney and found herself in the tan tent with some of Australia's biggest names in the industry. Spanning over the next 10 years, she found herself Tanning talent for red carpet events including TV week Logies awards, charity functions, photoshoots, promo shoots for shows including Love Island Australia (2018-2023), along with musicians, actors and entertainers in and around Sydney.  

Amy opened her first Salon in Sydney's south. A mix of hair, makeup, tanning and beauty, Amy created her dream Salon, a one stop shop so you didn't have to drive from place to place for all your weekly and monthly treatments. This was a new concept in 2015, Amy being the first in the Sydney area to create a location of this kind. It grew substantially over the next 9 years. Now spanning over 400 square metres with 15+ staff and over 10,000 clients on her database, her dream had become a reality. But Amy was battling a different journey behind the scenes and Amy and her husband Scott had been going through IVF trying to conceive their first child. This went on for 5 years and forced Amy to reduce her time servicing clients as she was doing round after round of IVF, suffered an ectopic pregnancy, then a miscarriage, had multiple surgeries, 7 failed IVF cycles, it was a traumatic time. Then her first little miracle came along in November 2019 and her second IVF miracle in April 2022. A busy Mum of 2 and still overseeing the business, Amy had very limited time to still tan clients but was still extremely passionate about her love of tanning.

Having time at home between changing dirty nappies and putting kids down for naps, whilst pregnant with her second in 2021 her journey into development began. She had been approached by Private labels dozens of times over the years, but she knew when she was ready to create a brand, she wanted to work closely with a chemist and be hands on in the formulation process. She met with formulators and production teams and by mid 2022 after giving birth, she had secured a product pharmacist who had been developing tan products for over 2 decades and so they started working together on the Island Vibes brand. 

Over the next 18 months Amy’s vision came to life and by mid 2023 the product was being tested in the market. Another 6 months passed before Amy was ready to launch what she calls one of her greatest creations, to the public. Then in February 2024, the Island Vibes brand was officially born.


A Word From Our Founder

“More than just another tan brand, I want to create an inclusive and diverse lifestyle brand, that is represented by real people, that is relatable and authentic. A brand with all the elements to create that vacation feel, every day, all year round. Easily accessible and educational, for our community to understand all aspects of our products and have them feeling like their best self. When we look good, we feel good, and when we feel good, our whole vibe changes. It lifts our vibration and we live a more positive life”


the heart of our company


    Continuously working to be supportive and accepting of different groups of individuals, including people of different races, cultures, ages, religions, abilities, genders and sexual orientations. We believe in an equal space for all to be seen and heard and to have that same feeling of ‘belonging”.


    No self entitlement. No Individual is bigger than the team. Don't expect things to be done for you, get in and get your hands dirty. Humility is core to our culture. Success will come when we have our feet planted firmly on the ground.


    Finding things to be grateful for in our daily lives within the workspace and in our personal lives. Not just going through the motions of gratefulness but truly finding meaning and purpose behind the things we are actually thankful for. The more gratitude there is, the better things are. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.


    Embracing new challenges, seeking out opportunities to learn and develop, and continuously improving one's skills and knowledge. Reading, learning, and sharing information. Recognising triggers and limitations with a desire to heal them. Developing self-awareness around reactions.


    Honesty is the awareness of what is right and appropriate. Respecting boundaries and owning mistakes. Taking accountability for our actions. Honesty IS being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.


    Our community is what drives us. We find our people and continue to strive to serve their needs, make them feel like they belong, are included, thought of, heard and seen. Our community is the heart and soul of our business. Without our community, we don't exist.